
Lucide Preact

Implementation of the lucide icon library for preact applications.

What is lucide? Read it here.


yarn add lucide-preact
# or
npm install lucide-preact

How to use

It's build with ESmodules so it's completely threeshakable. Each icon can be imported as a preact component.


You can pass additional props to adjust the icon.

import { Camera } from 'lucide-preact';
// Returns PreactComponent
// Usage
const App = () => {
return <Camera color="red" size={48}/>
export default App;



Custom props / svg attributes

You can also pass custom props that will be added in the as attributes. With that you can modify the icons look by passing svg attributes.

// Usage
const App = () => {
return <Camera fill="red" stroke-linejoin="bevel"/>

svg attributes in preact aren't transformed, so if want to change e.g. the stroke-linejoin you need to pass it in kebabcase, the way svg spec is written so. See this topic in the preact documentation.

One generic icon component

It is possible to create one generic icon component to load icons.

:warning: Example below importing all EsModules, caution using this example, not recommended when you using bundlers, your application build size will grow strongly.

Icon Component Example

import * as icons from 'lucide-preact';
const Icon = ({name, color, size}) => {
const LucideIcon = icons[name];
return <LucideIcon color={color} size={size} />
export default Icon;

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